Journal #1

Journal #1

It is 7:00am. The pan hisses and spits. Grease leaps from the metal and singes my skin as the rashers fill the kitchen with a familiar smell. I did not eat dinner last night, and my stomach voices its discontent loudly. The fat bubbles, shrivels, and melts away until the pork reaches the perfect consistency: cooked through, yet still chewy. I remove the bacon from the and crack two eggs over the hot grease. The pan has a tendency to turn violent at this stage, so I turn the heat off, raising it again once the eggs are calmly simmering. I almost always take my eggs over medium: fluffy but not dry, slightly runny but not too delicate. Most of all, I like my eggs fried in bacon grease. For me, my bacon and eggs make a perfect breakfast when paired with a grapefruit, black coffee, and water. It is satisfying, energizing, and provides some generous seasoning for my cast iron cookware. The crisp, tartness of the grapefruit helps to cut through the greasy, fatty, richness of the bacon, while the eggs help nullify the saltiness. The bitter coffee offsets the sour aftertaste that the grapefruit leaves behind, and a healthy swig of water washes down the last of the coffee when breakfast is over. Additionally, a freshly made waffle complements all other parts of the meal, with the possible exception of the grapefruit, which can be substituted for a different fruit. Blueberries and bananas both taste excellent alongside a waffle, but do not serve the other accompaniments in any way. I believe strawberries or raspberries to be the superior choices in this case.

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